Telegram recently introduced new Blockchain Guidelines for Mini Apps and bots, which require compliance to ensure uninterrupted access to Telegram’s platform. As part of these changes, we have implemented the following update:
🛑 Disabled Deposits for BTC, DOGE, and ZEC
In line with Telegram’s Terms of Service for Bot Developers, we have disabled deposits for the following coins:
💡 What You Need to Know
- Existing Balances:
- If you have any of these coins in your account, you can still withdraw them until February 1, 2025.
- Zero Balances:
- If your balance for these coins is zero, they will no longer be displayed in your account.
⏳ Important Deadline
To comply with Telegram’s guidelines:
- If you do not withdraw these coins by February 1, 2025, they will be automatically converted into PIRATE ⚓️.
Why This Change?
Telegram’s new rules mandate that Mini Apps using blockchain technology must exclusively operate on the TON blockchain. This includes issuing, distributing, and interacting with blockchain assets. To remain compliant, all existing assets on other blockchains must be transitioned or discontinued.
Key points from Telegram’s guidelines:
- Only assets based on the TON blockchain are allowed for Mini Apps.
- Other blockchain wallets (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum) cannot be used or promoted.
- Developers must migrate existing assets to TON by February 21, 2025.
You can read the full guidelines here: Telegram Blockchain Guidelines.
Thank you for your understanding as we adapt to these new requirements. If you have any questions or need assistance with withdrawals, feel free to contact our support team. 🏴☠️
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the PirateCash ecosystem! 💬